In one of my classes, we are designing our own packaging for a product we come up with. It is a fun assignment but very broad! You could make anything! The only thing is that you have to be able to fold it together. At first it is tricky to think of all the different layers and how to make each one work.
I think I may have gone a little overboard. I saw a package for a treasure box and decided to go with that. I am going to make “Truffle Treasures”, totally not inspired from my honeymoon where we went to the Chubby Chipmunk in Deadwood. I have to make some wood looking planks for the background and rounded sides for the top of the chest. It will definitely be a process, but if you don’t challenge yourself then what is the point? I think it will catch some eyes with the unique chest structure instead of just a box. Next semester we will actually print them out and put them together so I hope it works!