Design Trends

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I think there are a lot of trends going on in the design community right now. AI, of course, is huge, and you can see a lot of people trying their hand at making AI images. Researching and looking at pictures closely to see if AI has been used is essential. I saw a news segment trying to explain how to spot AI images, and it showed how, after the recent hurricanes, people were using AI images of things that did not actually happen. It can be scary to think about AI’s powerful influence and how it can be used badly when people do not pay close enough attention. In my magazine interview with Carly Schultz, I asked her about her thoughts on AI. She said she thinks it can be used as a great tool and starting point to gather ideas, but overall, she does not believe it will replace designers and that handmade traditional art will become more popular again in the next couple of years.
Another popular trend right now is 3D images. I think 3D has grown a lot in popularity, especially due to visual media like movies and television shows. Disney moved away from 2D movies and now mostly makes 3D media. I think that also influences children away from 2D animation because most of the content they watch is 3D now.
A trend I like right now is vintage and nostalgia. Some popular designs pay homage to the ’60s and ’70s and go with a more retro look. I am partial to this style because I love retro and vintage looks (that was the theme of my wedding and my apartment right now). It is interesting to see designs cycle back and think about what will become popular next.

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