Our news

  • Wedding Anxiety

    It is another busy week for me, but what else is new? Last Wednesday through Sunday I worked everyday. Yesterday, my fiance Tucker and I finally met with our wedding DJ after he had to reschedule our original appointment. Today, I have to try on my wedding dress after alterations. I work right after class…


  • Connections

    This week, I am interviewing with someone who works in the media industry. This interview is for an article in the magazine we will be creating. I am nervous about interviewing someone in the industry because I want to make a good impression and possibly make connections in the future. A lot of the media…


  • Essential Kit Idea for the Magazine

    We have an assignment to make a sort of essential kit for the magazines we will create for class. It is a full spread of items that are cohesive and connected. The best way I can describe it at the moment is if you took a picture of the items in an emergency survival kit…


  • Magazine Introduction

    This semester, Media Design students are creating their own magazines. The magazine is 16 pages long, and we create EVERYTHING! It is all our work, from articles and interviews to advertisements and photography. It is both exciting and nerve-racking! I have yet to decide on the name of my magazine, partly because I haven’t decided…


  • Pharmacy Technician Certification

    This past week has been a little crazy! I started the week working on getting wedding stuff organized and finalized. I spent the middle of the week working and studying. I ended the week by passing my pharmacy technician certification!I originally graduated from South Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences. I was…


  • Mobile App

    This week, in the New Media Development class, we worked on creating a prototype mobile application concept based on specific themes. The themes were health/exercise, food/beverage, nature/outdoors, and organization/time management. We are working as UX designers to make one of the themes better for people. I decided to make a better mobile app for people…


  • New Project Idea?

    In the past spring semester, I attended the STC Portfolio Show to see what the upper-level students had created and presented to show their skills to future employers. I talked to one of the students and learned they could create their own project and something they wanted to do for fun. One student created stickers,…


  • Class is Back in Session!

    On Tuesday, I started classes for the fall semester at Southeast Technical College. It will be good to get back into the school routine again. Over the summer, I worked on wedding planning and did some projects. I made invitations, designed a wedding map in Adobe Illustrator, created a logo for an organization using Adobe…


  • Beresford Area Arts Finalized!

    Continuing from last week’s post, I made some adjustments to the Beresford Area Arts. The client wished for more representation of the visual arts within the design. I wanted to keep a clean look within the design and not “cheapen” the look by adding more. With the shape of the spotlight, I decided to turn…


  • Beresford Area Arts Re-Branding

    Currently, I am working independently to re-brand my hometown’s art council. Back in March, the arts counsil reached out on Facebook asking if anyone would be willing to help create a new logo and design for their 25th anniversary. Since I was very involved in the Beresford Area Arts during high school, I volunteered! The…