My fiance Tucker and I traveled to the Black Hills for a wedding and a quick vacation this weekend. On the 6-hour car trip there, I kept looking at all the billboards we were passing. I would point them out to Tucker and discuss the different designs, some good, some not. I asked his opinion of them to see how someone not in design would view them. He had a hard time reading some as he was driving past. Readability is essential since the primary audience of billboards is drivers. Sometimes, I would point out how I would create the design differently, just as the Sturgis Buffalo Chip sign with Kid Rock and Jelly Roll. The billboard only had the pictures and names of the performers on it. Come on, “Rock and Roll”? It’s right there! Expand and utilize that! Add some pizzazz with a related headline and graphics! Overall, talking to Tucker about what I have learned in classes and how that applies to everyday things such as billboards was fun.