In the past spring semester, I attended the STC Portfolio Show to see what the upper-level students had created and presented to show their skills to future employers. I talked to one of the students and learned they could create their own project and something they wanted to do for fun. One student created stickers, while another made a dust jacket for their favorite book. I started to get excited about this project. I began thinking about ideas I could come up with when we do that project this year.
I have a six-year-old sister (seventeen-year age difference, for those wondering). For her fifth birthday, I drew her a Candy Land board with all her favorite things because she LOVED Candy Land. It was a super fun project for me. You should have seen the look on her face when I revealed the finished board. She loved it and was so happy! My dad even laminated it so it would not get ruined when she played on it.
Since I loved creating the Candy Land board for my little sister, I started thinking about how to apply that to my future project in class. I came up with a new idea that could have a bigger user audience. I came up with South Dakota Land (Candy Land but South Dakota version). I looked online and could not find a state Candy Land game already created. I thought it could help kids learn more about South Dakota and could be expanded to other states if it was successful. I would use famous and historical landmarks for the places on the board. I already have the placements for each location picked out. I plan to get a head start on it and start working with Adobe Illustrator to make the landmarks. I am super excited about this project!