Starting Panther Wall Wrap

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Since I am done with the Panther vehicle wrap, it is time to move onto a new project. I was asked to create a wall wrap for the company’s meeting room. All I was told about what to design was to keep it on brand, have pictures of Sioux Falls and the saying, “Serving the Sioux Falls community for over 35 years.” They sure let me utilize my creative freedom!

At first, I thought about making icons related to the services offered at Panther and place them in a grid with photos of Sioux Falls. I started making a mock up in Illustrator but decided I did not love the idea and wanted to go a different direction. I looked through Adobe Stock to find some quick pictures of Sioux Falls and see what I could work with. I have started looking for famous landmarks in Sioux Falls and thought about layering them a collage. I think I will go that direction and see how it turns out.

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