This week has not been my week. On Saturday, my husband, Tucker, left for his pharmacy rotation in Sturgis, SD for FIVE weeks. He is at the Fort Meade Veterans Affairs Medical Center on his Internal Medicine II rotation. Luckily, they have free housing on-site where he can stay with other students. His college roommate is also on a rotation out there at the same time so that is nice as well.
It was really hard to say goodbye. It is difficult when your best friend who is always with you has to leave. But somehow we got through it and said our goodbyes. Luckily for me, I have family nearby so I spent the weekend with them so I would not feel so alone. It also helps that they can cook and I can’t (Tucker does all the cooking). When I would go home after spending time with them, my apartment would feel so empty without Tucker.
On Monday, I felt like something was off with me. I knew something was wrong, but could not tell exactly what it was. I went to my internship that day, but at the end of my shift I felt like I could not go to school. I drove home and received a text from my sister that she just tested positive for influenza A. She was also the family I had just spent the weekend with since Tucker was gone. I went to the doctor and also tested positive for influenza A.
Tuesday was the worst day. I had terrible muscle aches, fever, chills, and a sore throat. I was stuck all by myself since I was sick. I wanted to work on a project that was due the next day, but all I could do was try to drink water and sleep. I felt absolutely miserable all day.
I continued to have a fever the rest of the week and was not able to work or go to school. I lost my voice for a day since I had family calling to ask how I was doing. I was popping ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and cough drops like they were candy. I did get a really awesome surprise on Friday night though. I was talking to Tucker on the phone when I heard my apartment door unlock and saw Tucker standing there! He came back early to see and take care of me! It was so sweet!
Let’s just say I am happy it will be a new week.
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